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Hopefully this will answer at least a few questions of why, what and who the SiltiCrafts dolls reflect and represent and why they are made.

Kristīne Bērziņa Kristīne Bērziņa

Messages from the Woods: Wolf Symbolism

Wolves are among the most respected and also feared animals around the world. It's feared as a predator. It's admired as a model of community cooperation. It's quite a lot wolf as a symbol can tell and teach, if we engage with it a reflect on the symbolism it carries. The question is - which aspect of wolf symbolism and spiritual associations speak louder to you and moves you deeper?

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Kristīne Bērziņa Kristīne Bērziņa

Through The Lens of Psychology: How can a Doll help?

Although dolls are primarily associated with children, they can offer significant therapeutic value and aid in self-development for adults in various ways. The power of dolls and engaging with dolls in order to grow, heal and self-regulate is well recognized and accepted in modern psychology.

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Kristīne Bērziņa Kristīne Bērziņa

Your Kitchen Witch Doll Questions Answered

What is a kitchen witch? Where does a custom of keeping a witch poppet comes from? What are her attributes? Where to get one for you? How to choose a Kitchen Witch your home? What’s the best place for your witch? These and more of your Kitchen Witch doll questions - answered.

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Kristīne Bērziņa Kristīne Bērziņa

The Symbolic Moon

Moon plays a significant role in every culture and mythology around the world. The world is full of myths and legends that involve a personification of the Moon, and you can find plenty of Moon deities. Moon related magickal and spiritual practices and simply celebrating the Moon isn’t just the thing of the past.

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Kristīne Bērziņa Kristīne Bērziņa

Witch Archetype

Coming from our ancestral societies up to this day, alive in folklore and mythology witch is a powerful archetype, that holds encouraging, invigorating, liberating power. In psychoanalysis witch is one of the main female archetypes - primordial mental image inherited from the earliest human ancestors and present in the collective unconscious. Coming from the past, witch is not just a fantasy character of the past. She is more alive now than ever, and not just she.

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