Welcome to my craft room!

Sit down, my extraordinary friend, and let me introduce myself to you.

Thanks for stopping by!

My name is Kristīne Bērziņa, and I stand behind every doll and other creations here, behind every written word, chosen colour, answered message and packed order.

I’m an independent folk artist, avid explorer of old and modern folklore and mythology, nature lover, forest dweller, reader, permaculture gardener, herb grower and creative seeker deep in the countryside of North-Eastern Europe, Latvia.

For me crafting dolls means travelling into collective fantasy between the shadows and lights to explore the symbolism, archetypes, philosophy, psychology and spirituality, seasons in nature and cycles of life, myths and laws of human experience that keep us moving on, losing, seeking, learning and re-learning ourselves. All of that comes together, explodes, calms down and clears out into dolls and other SiltiCrafts creations that find homes with the most amazing and unusual people in this absurdly ordinary yet magical world.

These dolls are rarely just an amusing decoration. Between myth and magic these dolls serve as reminders of the values they represent, they are catalysts, affirmations and vessels of thought. They often become symbolic companions, altar dolls for personal spiritual practices and tools for overcoming fears. That being said, I’m not selling magical solutions to life’s issues. I’m a maker of dolls who tells stories that I call my conversations with these dolls. Crafting dolls is also kind of my way of processing and making sense of my own personal journey and the winding paths of others. That process doesn’t come with a blank & silent mental space, inner conversations happen, stories flow, materials tell and whatever is going around leads from the idea to the finished doll. That’s what my customers have told me: bringing in home a doll that speaks to your soul is an act of daring to say ‘yes’ to your unique self, to what you feel and what you want to feel and attract. The silent outside support in a form of a doll also helps to process difficult thoughts and emotions. It’s your intention that matters. It’s the thought that counts.

Most of my dolls are made with pre-loved and donated fabric, yarn and jewellery. Occasionally I also accept the donations of unwanted, outdated, outworn and broken fabric, yarn and jewellery. I stand by giving the second, third… fifth life to things to serve for as long as possible. Those second-hand materials often become the catalysts for creation. I sculpt and paint all heads and faces. Each doll you are getting here is one of a kind creation that won’t be repeated the same and you won’t find anywhere else.

As of today 600+ SiltiCrafts dolls have found homes in 5 continents around the world. You can meet & greet one in person in the history Museum of Magic, Fortune-telling & Witchcraft in Edinburgh, Scotland.

I’m forever grateful for people who showed me the direction and keeps me going on through owning, appreciating, collecting my dolls and coming back for new custom-made dolls for years. I love you, beautiful people!

(a few more words below the picture…)


Visit Gallery page to explore my work.

Find me on Instagram to connect and get to know each other! I publish there glimpses into works in progress, all new creations, giveaways, garden and nature around me and other SiltiCrafts and personal news. That’s also where you can see where my creations live when they leave my home.

My Patreon page is a place to read my essay and stories. I occasionally publish insights into creative process, informational researches that go into making symbolic dolls and craft instructions to satisfy your own creative urges.

I’ve recently opened a Redbubble shop for my dolls and wall plaques designs on print-on-demand items - postcards, notebooks, pins and more. Check it here: SiltiCrafts Redbubble shop.

Contact me if you want me to create your own custom doll or other creation. Maybe together we can bring to life exactly what you need. Get in touch