Sleep Guardians/Dream Witches

After receiving a few pictures of the witches I’ve created living in bedrooms, I realized it’s time to figure out Sleep Guardians. Those Sleep Guardians have different characters, but they share the same mission a few common views:

1) Good night's sleep is essential for mental and physical health and renewal.

2) Broom is essential tool for a guardian witch.

3) Herbs help. 

These witches are bedside spirits, and they are filled with dried herbs that in worldwide folklore and folk magik are associated with good nights sleep, prophetic dreams and protection while sleeping: hops, calendula, white rose petals, lavender and a few others. They protect sleep, welcome good dreams and ward off nightmares. They dwell at the invisible gates of the owners Dreamworld. They don't fly  much, just around the bedroom and above the bed, just to see if everything around is safe and sound. You might have heard stories and fairy tales of all kinds of gatekeepers, and you also might know that they aren't always invincible. Sometimes especially persistent and determined nightmare, demon or another sleep disturbing spirit might bypass the guardian. This is when the guardians might enter your dreams riding their brooms to get the unwanted entity out. Mostly they will do their job unseen in your dreams, and they enter only when it's absolutely necessary. They never venture too far and too deep in your Dreamworld, after all these witches respect that it's your very intimate world and their job is to protect it, not to change or intervene with it in any other way.


Exploring Lilith


Moon Witches